DIY red doily matchbox

When I discovered that my matchbooks fit perfectly into this old unfinished cigar box, I knew it was a DIY matchbox in the making. I wanted to step up the fancy in a subtle way, so I could leave the dingy box out in plain site. I like showing off doilies […]

2021-01-31T05:54:43-08:00January 24, 2011|

Framing heirloom doilies for Christmas

I told you I have a lot of tatted doilies from my great-grandmother. I decided to frame a few more for Christmas. I bought these 12-inch square collage frames at Michael’s. I replaced the mats with $1/yard fabric from Walmart. I love how the doilies look […]

2021-01-31T06:13:17-08:00December 24, 2008|

My great grandmother’s doilies in thrift-store frames

My great-grandmother lived to be 93. And she loved to tat. She made me and my siblings dozens of doilies, collars, and hankies over the years. Her tatted doilies are so beautiful that I hated to see them packed away in a box in my closet. But I wasn’t about to […]

2021-01-30T20:58:30-08:00July 23, 2008|
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