DIY crafting tool station with wall organizer

This project is what Elizabeth would call “finding crap on the curb and making something fabulous.” I found this mint-green wooden railing (from a crib?) in a pile of debris. Add some galvanized wall-pocket planters (on clearance at Joann for $1.50 each), a few daisy-shaped coat hooks (thanks, Kristi), a repurposed spice rack ($3.50 at a thrift store), a paper/pen bin (thanks, Jim), two dowels, and wire for hooks (from Freecycle), and I’ve got a dirt-cheap craft organizing solution. A power strip and a salvaged bench vice (thanks, dad) attached to my newly made rolling toolbox make the crafting station complete. I can’t wait to use it! (This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a small commission. You can read my full disclosure here.)

How to make a crafting tool station with wall organizer

1. If you can’t find hooks that will work with your railing, get some wire and make some yourself. Use pliers to bend into shape, then cut with wire cutters. I made 18 hooks.

2. Cut your scrap piece of wood into four 2- x 3-inch pieces, then drill a 7/16-inch hole at one end of each piece. These will hold the dowels.

3. Prime (one coat) and paint (two coats) the dowel holders.

4. Attach the dowel holders to the railing with wood screws. Drill two holes in the dowel holders, then drill matching holes in the railing.

5. Counter-sink the holes with a larger drill bit, then screw in 1¾-inch wood screws.

6. Attach the railing to the wall at the top and bottom with four long screws. Find a stud to hang them from or use molly bolts.

7. Cut your dowels so they stick out at least a half inch beyond the dowel holders. Slide ribbon and paper onto the dowels, then insert into the holders. Hang all your bins/pegs/etc. on the rack using the hooks you made. Fill with craft supplies.

8. Mount a power strip to the side of your workstation. Use screws or nails. Make a pencil-rubbing template of the back of the power strip on scrap paper first to determine where to place the nails/screws.

9. Attach the bench vice to the front left corner (if you’re right-handed) of your work surface using bolts, washers, and nuts.

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Jessica Ripley repurposed a crib rail in her craft room and shared this photo on Facebook. Everyone go tell her how great it is!
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