Neighborhood tour of crafty stuff

In lieu of a project this week, I’m posting some photos I took during one of my walks around my neighborhood in Menlo Park, California. It was an idea inspired by sfgirlbybay. Instead of beautiful, transporting images (I’m not the photographer Victoria is), I shot items that I like. And I found sources to buy a couple of them!
I SO want to do this treatment on a piece of furniture soon. The harlequin pattern is fun, and the shape of the cabinet reminds me of the wardrobe in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.

I have a thing for train station clocks. This one is located outside of a restaurant I have yet to try. The pig adds a little whimsy, don’t you think?

I saw these white and black shelves/tables/carts on display in a local shop (photographed with permission). Fabulous design.

I am in love with this stainless steel mailbox. If I were a homeowner, I would buy one right now. It’s made by Ecco Products, and you can buy it at The Mailbox Works.

I kick myself that I didn’t buy one of these ceramic owl umbrella stands before Urban Outfitters sold out. They’re made by Two’s Company, and you can buy one at or UPDATE 11/28/20: Burke Decor and Madison Ave. Gifts are also now sold out, but Burke Decor now has a cute ceramic umbrella stand shaped as rainboots.

This weathered light fixture hangs outside a sleek, modern store. It’s so old, they style looks modern again. Love its swirls.

I actually shot this glitter-encrusted mobile last winter in my neighborhood. It’s a Christmas decoration. I was going to make my own, but never got around to it. Maybe this year…

This being Crafty Nest, I couldn’t resist taking a photo of the giant bird nests in a nearby shop window. They’re made by Laura Del Fava, a local photostylist, not giant birds. :-)

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