My great grandmother’s doilies in thrift-store frames

My great-grandmother lived to be 93. And she loved to tat. She made me and my siblings dozens of doilies, collars, and hankies over the years. Her tatted doilies are so beautiful that I hated to see them packed away in a box in my closet. But I wasn’t about to scatter them over my furniture either. I decided to frame some, but the challenge was finding square frames the right size. Then I found these four mismatched frames at a thrift store that were the perfect sizes. A little paint, some green acid-free paper, and voilà—a matching set. I framed a few more of my great grandmother’s beautiful handiwork for Christmas.

Easy picture hanging technique

1. Trace each frame onto brown paper bags and cut out. Tape the brown paper cutouts to the wall where you want to hang your frames.
2. Measure from the top and side of the frame to determine the location of the hook. Do the same on the coordinating piece of paper, and mark where the nail should go.
3. Hammer a nail into that spot, then pull the paper off the wall. Then hang your frame. You just save time and saved your walls from multiple holes!

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I love this! Thank you for sharing.